Kai resilience: Growing good food

Additional information

Contact Kereru Gardens: Emily Innes einnes@wesleyca.org.nz

Contact Wesley House: Composting: Cory Hope, chope@wesleyca.org.nz Propagation: Gina Wong gwong@wesleyca.org.nz

Our kai resilience work is based at Wesley Rātā Village in Naenae and Wesley House in Cannons Creek. The goal of this work is to support local people to be in control of how they access, grow and share kai.

Kererū Gardens

Kereru Gardens is a community garden based at Wesley Rātā Village. Regular group gardening sessions are held on both weekdays and weekends.

Wesley House

Our kai resilience work at Wesley House in Cannons Creek focuses on two main things:

1. Composting

2. Seedling-production using biology-first principles

We currently support five community groups in Porirua East to make amazing, biology-rich compost.

We use the tunnel house and potting shed at Wesley House in Cannons Creek to propagate vegetable seedlings to sell to the local community and give free to school and community gardens.

We also provide training opportunities in growing kai.