Wesley Rātā Village

Additional information

Community enquiries
Emily Innes
E: einnes@wesleyca.org.nz

Housing enquiries
E: info@wesleyca.org.nz

249  Rata Street
Lower Hutt, 5011

Follow the Village on Facebook

Wesley Rātā Village is a place to weave community and enhance wellbeing. It’s a home to enjoy living in and a place to visit for inspiration and strengthening connections. It’s a place for all generations, with a special position for seniors/kaumātua.

You can find the village at 249 Rātā Street in Naenae.

Village map

Nor sure where you're going? Download a map of the village

Rental homes at the village 

We have 55 affordable rental homes at the village. Of those, 25 are social houses that are available to people on the government social housing register. The remaining 30 are small villas that are rented to older tenants. 

There are plans underway to build another 31 affordable rental apartments at the village.

Regular activities at the village

The village is host to a number of regular activities: 

  • a 10-week Ageing Well course for lonely and isolated seniors living in the Hutt Valley and a regular coffee group for course graduates
  • a 10-week parenting programme - Baby’s Place. Contact Bronwen Olds: bronwen.olds@gmail.com or call 027677 805
  • the Rātā Playgroup
  • activity groups throughout the month
  • a partnership with Naenae Nature Trust to make our beautiful native bush accessible to the Naenae community

We also run a range of activities at Kererū House:

  • Naenae Koha Café which is held from 11am to 1pm on the last Tuesday of every month. Non-profit and community-run - everyone welcome!
  • Kererū Gardens: Monthly community gardening sessions on the first Sunday of the month from 1 to 3pm (with more during the busy growing season). Please contact Leila Macbeth for more info: hutttimebank@gmail.com
  • Art Studio: Art courses and free open studio sessions  (Follow our Facebook page or enquire with Emily Innes for more details) 
  • Cooking Group – Historias, Risas y Sabores (Stories, Laughter & Flavours): Every second Saturday. Please contact Sandra at Team Naenae Trust: teamnaenae@gmail.com

Venues for hire

The village has a number of venues available for hire. Check them out here.

Village vision document

We have worked with the village community to develop a vision for how to develop the village.

Download a copy of the Vision document

Village results reports

Each year we publish a report about what’s been happening at the village. You can read the most recent report here.

Watch a video about the village