Wesley Community Action helps to harness the power of community in a variety of ways.
Family Start is for whānau who want to give their tamariki the best start in life.
Our whānau workers provide free parenting support to anyone who needs it. We work alongside you in your own home, supporting you to identify your strengths as parents and working with you on changes you want to make.
Download a Family Start referral form
Contact: Sheree Ryder, Team Manager, sryder@wesleyca.org.nz
Mana Whānau provides intensive, whānau-led support to help tamariki and their parents stay together. Our kaimahi work alongside whānau in their own home most weekdays for six months. The goal is to make sure that at the end of that time whānau have they what they need to give their tamariki the love, care and attention they need to thrive.
Contact: Jazz Charman jcharman@wesleyca.org.nz
Our team in Waitangirua are there to support families when they need some help. How they help is guided by each family – it may include co-ordinating a range of agencies, helping access resources and services, or supporting parenting and family communication.
Contact: Lois Bryant, lbryant@wesleyca.org.nz
Social Worker in Schools supports children and their whānau attending a cluster of primary schools in the Horowhenua area.
Contact: Lisa Seath, lseath@wesleyca,org.nz
Our Supported Independent Living team provides community-based support to help vulnerable older people keep living safely and well at home. Our kaimahi work alongside kaumātua living in the community with little to no whānau support, providing the support and advocacy they need to continue their daily activities and maintain their spark for life.
Contact: Claire Booth, Team Manager, cbooth@wesleyca.org.nz
We run the Elder Abuse Response Service for people aged 65 and over living in the greater Wellington region (Wellington, Porirua, Kapiti Coast and the Hutt Valley). Our EARS team provides support, information and advocacy, and works with elders and their whānau to create sustainable safety.
Contact: P: 04 805 0880 E: ears@wesleyca.org.nz
The Ageing Well Network is a community-based initiative that brings together seniors / kaumātua living in the community to connect and contribute as they age. At present the Ageing Well Network includes a 10-week Ageing Well course and a weekly Ageing Well coffee group for course graduates.
The Ageing Well Network uses space at Wesley Rātā Village in Naenae.
Contact: Nikolien Van Wijk, Ageing Well Facilitator, nvanwijk@wesleyca.org.nz
Te Roopu Tiaki Rangatahi (TRTR) is a youth-led development programme that grows youth wellbeing and resilience among young people in Porirua. Youth leadership and youth governance sit at the heart of TRTR. A team of rangatahi known as The Voyage designs and delivers programmes and events for young people in the Porirua area.
Our youth workers based at Wesley Waitangirua support The Voyage and also work with rangatahi in Porirua.
Contact: Lise Soloa, Youth Worker, lsoloa@wesleyca.org.nz
WhānauFluence is a closed, moderated Facebook page for whānau who want to break down cycles of intergenerational disadvantage. WhānauFluence provides a kete of tools through lived experiences, shared knowledge and the voices of tamariki.
The Broject and Rangatahi together make up our Hurihanga programme. Kaimahi in the Hurihanga team work with whānau living in either Waitangirua or Strathmore who identify as members of gang communities.
Both The Broject and Rangatahi promote a pro-social and pro-family approach with a strong emphasis on harm reduction. They work to increase connectivity to the community through a range of activities such as sport, pathways to employment, driver licencing and first aid and diving courses.
Contact: Andrea McKenzie, amckenzie@wesleyca.org.nz
Our Mens Group meets regularly a Wesley House in Cannons Creek. The group provides opportunities for support, challenge, growth – and some delicious kai! Members of the group are very involved in Ngahere Korowai, an ambitious project to cloak the bare hills of Porirua East in a native forest.
Contact: Makerita Makapelu, mmakapelu@wesleyca.org.nz
New Zealand P-Pull is a national movement of people working to empower individuals, families and communities to lead the way to a meth-free future. It is made up of people with real experience of the impact of methamphetamine and who are committed to an accessible, safe and strength-based approach.
Contact: Rowena Wiki, National Co-ordinator, E: rwiki@wesleyca.org.nz, M: 027 840 2291
Wesley Rātā Village is an intergenerational village in Naenae with a special position for seniors/kaumātua.
You can find the Village at 249 Rātā Street in Naenae. It’s the site of the former Wesleyhaven Resthome and Hospital which we ran from 1955 to 2017.
The Village currently provides 55 affordable rental homes. Of those, 25 are social houses that are available to people on the government social housing register. The remaining 30 are small villas that are rented privately to older tenants.
The Village is also host to a range of regular community activities and it has a number of venues available for hire.
Community enquiries: Emily Innes, einnes@wesleyca.org.nz
Housing enquiries: info@wesleyca.org.nz
Our 8-week financial wellbeing course is for people in financial stress who want to make changes. Good Cents participants lead their own journey, taking ownership and control of their finances and supporting each other to identify and make the changes that work for them.
The courses take place at Wesley House in Cannons Creek once each school term. We also run Good Cents courses in other locations, including Kapiti.
Contact: Ruth Nonu, rnonu@wesleyca,org.nz
The Porirua Wealth Pool is a savings pools where members can save money instead of spending it. They can borrow money at no interest from fellow members – or lend money to them.
Contact: Ruth Nonu, rnonu@wesleyca,org.nz
The Porirua Time Bank is a way to get things done by spending time, not money. Members can make connections while helping themselves and others.
Contact: Ruth Nonu, rnonu@wesleyca,org.nz
Kahukura supports whānau living in Porirua East who are experiencing significant financial stress or distress. It’s not a budgeting service, but rather a way for whānau to lift their financial literacy and gain a sense of control over their finances.
Contact: Ruth Nonu ruth.nonu@wesleyca.org.nz
Affordable hauora kai (healthy food) is the idea behind the Fruit & Vege Co-op. The Co-op harnesses our collective buying power to reduce the cost of fresh kai.
For just $15 you’ll get a fruit & vege pack made up of 3 to 4 fruit and 3 to 4 vegetable varieties that are currently in season. The pack contents vary from week to week but it’s always great value!
Wesley Community Action co-ordinates the Co-op in partnership with Te Whatu Ora (formerly Regional Public Health).
The Co-op is made possible by many volunteers giving their time generously to support their community – we’re not a business or a charity. We uphold the mana of everyone involved – the growers, the wholesalers, the freight workers, our volunteers and our members. We’re creating a food system that rewards everyone fairly and is accessible to all of our community. So the more people that join, the better value the Co-op can deliver to all.
The co-op has 11 packing hubs and more than 30 pick-up locations throughout the greater Wellington region (including the Wairarapa).
Contact: Cory Hope, Fruit & Vege Coop Coordinator, chope@wesleyca.org.nz
Our community pantry provides no-stress, no-guilt kai parcels to whānau who need them. The pantry is based at Wesley House in Cannons Creek.
When: Monday and Thursday, 9.30am to 12pm
Where: Wesley House Cannons Creek, 206 Mungavin Ave, Cannons Creek
Contact: Gina Wong, gwong@wesleyca.org.nz
Our kai resilience work is based at Wesley Rātā Village in Naenae and Wesley House in Cannons Creek. The goal of this work is to support local people to be in control of how they access, grow and share kai.
Kererū Gardens
Kereru Gardens is a community garden based at Wesley Rātā Village. Regular group gardening sessions are held on both weekdays and weekends.
Wesley House
Our kai resilience work at Wesley House in Cannons Creek focuses on two main things:
1. Composting
2. Seedling-production using biology-first principles
We currently support five community groups in Porirua East to make amazing, biology-rich compost.
We use the tunnel house and potting shed at Wesley House in Cannons Creek to propagate vegetable seedlings to sell to the local community and give free to school and community gardens.
We also provide training opportunities in growing kai.
Contact Kereru Gardens: Emily Innes einnes@wesleyca.org.nz
Contact Wesley House: Composting: Cory Hope, chope@wesleyca.org.nz Propagation: Gina Wong gwong@wesleyca.org.nz
We are an accredited community housing provider (CHP) and we are committed to adding to the stock of quality rental accommodation with the support of Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.
Some of our homes are rented to people on the housing register and some are available on the open market for people with a range of housing needs. As a non-profit social housing provider we aim to foster connected and safe communities and keep rents as low as possible.
A present we have:
We are currently developing two new social housing projects at Wesley Rātā Village:
New apartments in Wesley Rātā Village: This $6.8m project involves turning the former hospital at the Village into 15 one and two-bedroom apartments.
New affordable units in the former Strand Home: This $4.8m project will convert the former Strand Home at Wesley Rātā Village into 16 new one and two-bedroom units.
Contact: Shomilla Sidal, Housing Development & Property Lead, ssidal@wesleyca.org.nz
Sustaining Tenancies provides support to whānau in Porirua who are facing challenges sustaining their housing tenancy.
Our kaimahi works alongside them to address any issues that may be threatening their tenancy and prevent them from losing their home. We take a whānau-led approach to develop an individually tailored plan that allows whānau to identify and implement the changes they want to make.
Contact: Denzel Wineera-Lutau, dwineera-lutau@wesleyca.org.nz
Ngahere Korowai is an ambitious project to cloak the bare hills behind Porirua East in a ngahere (forest) of native trees. Our Aotearoa Pasifika Mens Group, based at Wesley House at Cannons Creek, came up with the idea after a visit to Zealandia. They’ve been joined by Ngati Toa Rangatira, Greater Wellington Regional Council and a host of other organisations to get the planting project underway.
Contact: Makerita Makapelu mmakapelu@wesleyca.org.nz
Team Taiao is made up of staff from throughout the organisation. They are looking at what we can do to lead and foster positive environmental action.
So far they have identified two main areas to focus on:
Following waste audits at all our sites the team has now set waste reduction targets. We’ve also had our carbon emissions measured and have embarked on a place to reduce them.
Contact: Kirsten Gendall, Funding / Taiao Lead, kgendall@wesleyca.org
Te Ara Wēteri / The Wesley Way is the heart of our work. It’s based on the belief that people are the experts in their own lives. We support them to identify their strengths and skills and the changes they believe will allow them to have a better life.
We are lucky to be the current managers and guardians of a large piece of regenerating native bush at Wesley Rātā Village in Naenae.
We are working with local environmental groups and the Hutt City Council to protect this ngahere through pest eradication and community planting. There is huge potential to improve access to this beautiful resource.
Contact: Emily Innes einnes@wesleyca.org.nz
We offer a structured arts programme at Wesley Rātā Village in Naenae as well as workshop space for local artists and informal art groups that self-organise.
The classes in the arts programme are open to anyone in our wider community, at little to no cost. As well as painting and other art-related activities, classes have included pottery and theatre classes. Some classes are available in the evenings. We also run arts activities for young people during the school holidays.
Follow Wesley Rātā Village on Facebook.
Contact: Emily Innes einnes@wesleyca.org.nz
In March 2020 Wesley Community Action hosted the People’s Voices forum which provided a unique opportunity to hear from people whose voices are often not heard in policy-making. The forum gave policy-makers, decision-makers and funders a chance to listen, with the agenda set by the people who have experienced hardship. They spoke honestly and powerfully about a system that often works against them, and about the importance of harnessing the power of community to create chance.
Wesley Community Action is a creative change organisation that works in communities and with whānau across all ages and stages within the wider Wellington region.